Happy New Year. We have a fresh series of 365 days stretching out in front of us. This is a great opportunity to look ahead to see where this year may lead us. For some there are boundless possibilities while others may only see uncharted paths. This is a time that can be both exhilarating and terrifying, occasionally simultaneously. While we can try to figure out where the days will lead, it is not always possible. But we have the ability to do the best we can to negotiate our year and build a life one step at a time.

First, reflect on the past year. You likely have encountered some areas of growth, a few challenges, and maybe some unexpected twists. That’s life, we don’t always get to pick what happens. Very few important events in our lives go in completely expected directions. We learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome the obstacles. Learn what you can so that a similar situation may not be so difficult in the future.

Once you have examined the past year, it is then time to set some goals for the year ahead. And maybe looking a full year ahead is too long a period for you. Pick a period of time that is an appropriate scale. The period is less important than the realistic nature of your goals. For example, while is is a pleasant thought, it is unrealistic for many to have a goal of earning one million dollars in the upcoming year. Keep your goals achievable in actuality. One goal I have every year is to take more photographs than the previous year. That is one way I can learn to be a better photographer. So by even coming close to my goal of taking more photographs, I continue my journey to taking better photographs. A good goal is achievable, realistic, and often measurable.

Next, make a plan to reach your goal. Without a plan, or a route to follow, a goal is nothing more than a good idea. There is a reason why some calendar systems are called “planners”. They can be used to set out a method to reach a goal. You don’t necessarily need to use a planner/calendar to achieve your goals, but there is a concrete benefit to writing down the methods you will use to reach your goals. By writing out the steps you plan to use to achieve your goal, you can often see obstacles to reaching that goal, or sometimes you discover a better path to your desired end result.

Finally comes the truly hard part – working through your plan to reach your goals. In some cases it is better to set fewer or smaller goals because it is often easier to achieve them. Success builds more success. Another possibility is to spread the emphasis of the goals around; some for work, some for family, some personal. The methods you use to follow your plan to achieve your goals are uniquely yours and may ebb and flow over time. How you work toward your goals, the timing of your steps, and the measurements of achievement are up to you. It really only matters that you are working toward a goal, or making an adjustment of either the plan or the goal.

Achieving the year you want lies ahead of you with specific steps that you choose to reach the goals that you establish. Just remember that sometimes the lesson to be learned is not necessarily the realization of the goal, but rather the lesson lies in the journey. That understanding makes all the difference.