What would possess a man to hike through the snow, pulling a sled with several days worth of gear and provisions, only to end up at an unheated shack? Easy answer, the camaraderie and friendship of like-minded close friends who are doing the same thing. Three days in the winter woods with the best of friends is restorative to both the mind and the soul.
Sometimes the most fun in the woods can be had for minimal cost, minimal gear, and an adequate level of planning and communication. A major part of the adventure is the anticipation. Of course, coordination among the participants is very helpful. Meal planning, equipment preparation, and personal testing are also components of a successful backcountry experience.
The enjoyment of being in the woods is enhanced, sometimes magnified exponentially, by the company as well as the activity. When those accompanying the wilderness journey have a common goal or bond, it is as much about the fellowship as it is the event. As group is working for the same outcome, however it is defined, the joy at achieving that outcome is shared. With that sharing comes added pleasure.
Unless someone has participated in that special phenomenon with a special company of friends, it is hard to describe in only words. The lived experience, shared among the group, seems to bring out the best in the people and the occasion. There is great enjoyment to be had in a solitary wilderness experience. However, add in great friends and it becomes so much more.
(credit to Jeff for planting the seed of this post)