Recently I had the opportunity to gather with several friends in a late winter camp. This has been an annual event for many years with …
Recently I had the opportunity to gather with several friends in a late winter camp. This has been an annual event for many years with …
There is a remarkable lack of snow this winter in the area where I live. Only about 2 feet of snow has fallen in total, …
Sometimes during the winter we want to go outdoors and engage in some kind of activity but it is impossible. Perhaps the temperature is dangerously …
Winter is a great time to be outside. The first reason is that there are no bugs! No snakes, either. Seriously, winter is a wonderful …
As winter approaches and temperatures drop, sometimes we get what I like to call “nuisance snow”. That’s when about an inch of snow falls and …
The Winter Solstice has passed recently. That means we can look ahead to three months of winter. While it may be a period of the …
Where I live there is a joke that we have “11 months of winter and 1 month of bad sledding”. Of course, that’s not true …
What would possess a man to hike through the snow, pulling a sled with several days worth of gear and provisions, only to end up …
Winter. Some love the word and the season. Others quickly grow tired of the cold and snow. Still others avoid it altogether by traveling to …
February is a great time to be wandering in the woods. Depending on the snow depth, snowshoes may or may not be required. Woods wandering …
There’s been a bitter cold snap through the area lately. Temperatures down in the 20’s below zero accompanied by high winds. Old Man Winter has …
All the leaves have finally fallen. Even the aspens, whose leaves often hold to the very last. The earth, at least here in the Northeast …