“When you master your mindset, you master your life.” – Kelvin Ringold
No one has more control over your life than you. Adjust your internal monologue, believe in yourself, and go forth to reach for greatness. Go ahead. You’ve got this. Live Awesome!

Sometimes we might wonder “what is greatness?”. Sometimes it’s just doing those things that need to be done every day. It’s taking care of yourself and those around you. It’s giving your best at life and making healthy choices (however you define that).
Health encompasses more than just exercise and eating right. You also need to include how you spend your time with others and with your own thoughts. What we feed, grows. Positive reinforcement attracts more positive reinforcement.
“Your tribe determines your vibe.” – Robin Roberts
I can tell you the worst thing you can do is just give in and give up. I though about that once and rejected it as a false choice. You’ve made a commitment to yourself, maybe to family or friends (your tribe), and by all rights you should continue to honor that commitment. The most important part is to make a plan and stick to it. Know what you are able to handle going in and follow through. You can do it. You’ve got this.