The U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving has been celebrated recently. During this time it is customary for people to express gratitude for good things in their life. In many cases this includes family, friends, health, food, income, shelter, and opportunities.

One of the most famous depictions of the Thanksgiving celebration is an illustration by Norman Rockwell called Freedom from Want (below). The extended family gathers around a table laden with favored foods that may only make an appearance once a year. But this is not the only representation of thankfulness or of giving thanks.

Freedom from Want by Norman Rockwell

Originally the idea of a thanks giving meal was to celebrate a successful harvest and to acknowledge a preparation for a long period of winter. This period allows the land to rest and allows the farmer to prepare for work in the coming year. Church leaders and politicians have regularly called for an occasion of giving thanks to remind people that gratitude is psychologically important.

The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) include the giving of thanks with each of their traditional ceremonies, in addition to their daily lives. Others have done the same for centuries. We each can give thanks in our own way for the good in our lives. Now that the holiday of “Thanksgiving” has come and gone, what is it that you are thankful for today?