An old saying is that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. That may be true. It all depends on the words and the pictures. Looking at the situation objectively, one may begin to wonder what might happen if the words and pictures were used together?
One sarcastic response would be that you now have an article. And that response would be rather funny. Often in practice when words are combined with images a kind of synergy emerges. Obviously much depends on the skills of both the writer and the photographer. At times the combination could be a simple enhancement while at other times it could be so much more.

For example, a photo of an osprey lifting from the surface of a lake with a fish in its talons could have just a simple title like “Success!” (at least, from the osprey’s perspective). Another title might be rather different if viewed from the aspect of the fish. In either case, something is added to the overall experience.
That same photo (with or without the title) could accompany a magazine article describing some methods whereby a photographer could achieve a similar photo. Depending on the intent of the author (or the photographer), the length of the writing and the number of photos could vary. At the point of further depth or explanation, the synergy of both working together becomes the experience for the reader/viewer.
Words and photographs can be combined to provide a deeper experience. The two can work in tandem depending on the goals of the author and/or the photographer. Sometimes the words can clarify an image, sometimes the photo can illuminate the writing. Next time you have the chance, pay close attention to the combination of words and images, and see if you can determine the intent.